Hunter McDonald was born on Camp Pendleton, but grew up in a small town in Minnesota where he played football, ice fished and hunted waterfowl and deer. After graduating high school he joined the
United States Marine Corps which brought him back to San Diego, where he met his wife, obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in sustainability and began a career in Land Use Planning.
Before joining Supervisor Desmond’s team, he spent 4 ½ years at Planning & Development Services (PDS) with the County of San Diego. During his time at PDS he rose through the ranks from Land Use
Aide to Land Use/Environmental Planner 2 processing both large and small private discretionary projects including, but not limited to residential subdivisions, commercial gas stations, drive-thru restaurants and grocery stores, sand mine expansions, apartment complexes, wireless telecommunications facilities and lot line adjustments. In addition, he drafted numerous California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents including 15183 Checklists, Addendums to Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) and Categorical Exemptions.
In his free time he loves to spend time out in nature, running and training for races and hanging out with his beautiful wife and baby daughter.