For much of North County's unincorporated areas, you've been stuck with some of the worst criminals in our community. This should not happen!
I am pleased to announce that through collaboration with the community, we have led the effort to oppose any further placements of Sexually Violent Predators in San Diego County until local jurisdictions get to fully participate in the placement process, including full veto authority. The State of California and Liberty Healthcare should not be in charge of determining where these convicted predators should go, instead the community should have the say.
There are 1,000 diagnosed Sexually Violent Predators in California, and, according to Liberty Healthcare, 51 have been placed in neighborhoods through the Conditional Release program. In San Diego County, there are five Sexually Violent Predators placed in neighborhoods throughout the region, and three more are awaiting placement hearings.
A Sexually Violent Predator is an individual who has been convicted of a sexually violent offense against one or more victims and who has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others. The Sexually Violent Predators placed or proposed to be placed in the San Diego Region have committed crimes that include lewd acts upon children under 14 (as young as four years old), child molestation, forcible rape, and forcible sodomy, among others. Many of these were repeat crimes over the course of years.
It breaks my heart to read the stories about these unspeakable crimes and these people should not be allowed back in our neighborhoods. They should be kept on State prison grounds.
I'm pleased to say, for now, there will be no more Sexually Violent Predators placed in San Diego County!